A downloadable game

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share that this is my first game jam!


Originally, I had a different project in mind, focusing on creating an A* pathfinding algorithm. However, I found myself having to learn the algorithm from scratch. Additionally, I attempted to implement an auto grid system that generates tile sprites based on Perlin noise. While I made significant progress, I couldn't quite finish it. As a workaround, I decided to change the enemy from a goat to a bird.

Initially, the A* path algorithm was functional, but I encountered an issue with occasional stacking. I've uploaded the project to GitHub, where you can find the code. Please note that there might be some messy code as I was experimenting and learning along the way.

GitHub link: https://github.com/yagizozcans/pjp-game-jam-2023-2.git

The foundation of the game involves protecting our flower with a turret in a world randomly generated on a grid. We navigate our turret around, defending against incoming enemies. Pressing the space key allows us to call our turret back when it has ventured too far.

Feel free to check it out and provide any feedback or suggestions.


Flowers Stand Together.rar 21 MB

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